Another half-year passed and our Baltic babel pipeline continues to pump new essays and cross-languages translations. Many of them – translations to and from German - have been made available in the framework of our project “Nord Stream 3”. Those translations were made possible thanks to the support of Deutscher Übersetzerfonds from the state programme "NEUSTART KULTUR" of the commissioner of the federal German government for culture and media (Beauftragte des Bundes für Kultur und Medien).

„Everything since my childhood has led me to the work I do now.“ Yury Dmitriev in “A visit to Yury Dmitriev”. Interview by Sergey Lebedev.

We recommend a conversation now available in Russian, German and English between the writer and journalist Sergey Lebedev and the Karelian historian and human rights activist Yury Dmitriev, conducted after the latter was first released from prison in 2018. Dmitriev who has worked on mapping the places where Stalin carried out his Great Terror regime, speaks about what it does to him to locate mass graves and what sense the identification of the then murdered has today. By relocating the human remains of the victims to new cemeteries, he created space, so that “people can come to remember”. He as well speaks of faith which helps him to find peace with those who have brought guilt upon themselves.

The interview was first published at in Russian language in 2018 and is now available in English by Helena Kernan, as well as in German by Franziska Zwerg.

Other (newly translated) uploaded works are:

One who came back / Erinnerungen eines Überlebenden. Memoir by Josef Katz. Now in Polish translation by Dorota Stroińska.

Henry Parland. Poems. (Russian translation) Translated from Swedish by Olga Mäeots.

Germania (Estonian translation) by Cornelius Tacitus. Translated from Latin by Kristi Viiding.

Ice and Heather. Essay by Jaan Kaplinski.

Die Angst des Kindes in Tranströmers „Ostseen“. Essay by Karin Haugane. From Norwegian by Caren Gäbel.

Sirdolaččat. The Deportation of the Northern Sámi. Essay by Elin Anna Labba. Translated from Swedish by Fiona Graham.

Der knorrige Stamm. Demut als Edelmut in der finnlandschwedischen Literatur. Essay by Clas Zilliacus. Translated from Swedish by Klaus-Jürgen Liedtke.

Johannes Bobrowskis literarische Landschaft. Essay by Anders Björnsson. Translated from Swedish by Karl-Ludwig Wetzig.

Плоскости и грани: частное видение исторической Латгалии. Essay by Sergey Moreino.

Esteros žirklutės. Essay by Mindaugas Kvietkauskas.

Die Schere von Esther. Essay by Mindaugas Kvietkauskas. Translated from Lithuaninan by Vytenė Muschick.

En resa längs Nordens nationsgränser i tjugo punkter. Essay by Malin Nord.

Eine Reise in zwanzig Stationen entlang der Landesgrenzen Skandinaviens. Essay by Malin Nord. Translated from Swedish by Ricarda Essrich.

Sofi Oksanens Fegefeuer in Estland. Essay by Eneken Laanes. Translated from English by Elvira Willems.

Bekenntnis. Performative Produktion von Geschlechtsidentität und Gedächtnis in Tõnu Õnnepalus Roman "Im Grenzland". Essay by Eneken Laanes. Translated from English by Anna Hildegard Czinczoll.

Herder, Finnland, Europa. Essay by Sakari Ollitervo and Kari Immonen. Translated from Finnish by Ilse Winkler.

Mein Vater, Flüchtling aus Karelien. Essay by Jukka-Pekka Pietiäinen. Translated from Finnish by Ilse Winkler (In original: Isäni, evakko)

Our Baltic – “Mare Nostrum” – Rediscovering Hints of Maritime Archaeology through the Millennia. Essay by Christer Westerdahl.

Страна которой нет. Essay by Sergey Zavyalov.

Das Land, das nicht ist. Essay by Sergey Zavyalov. Translated from Russian by Christine Hengevoß.

Hogland – vergessene Insel in der Ostsee. Essay by Barbara Lönnqvist. Translated from English by Yvonne Eglinger.

Das Alexandria der Ostsee. Essay by Johannes Salminen. Translated from Swedish by Elna Lindgens.

Die Ostsee und ihre Mythologie in der polnischen Literatur. Essay by Małgorzata Czermińska. Translated from English by Valeska Henze.

Frühling in Kaunas: Henry Parland in Litauen. Essay by Per Stam. Translated from English by Mirko Bonné.

Grenzen und Grenzpolitik oder Ein russisches Ei des Kolumbus. Essay by René Nyberg. Translated from Swedish by Elna Lindgens.

Porträt einer Zeit - Anna Achmatowas lyrisches Werk. Essay by Barbara Lönnqvist. Translated from Swedish by Mareen Bruns.

Karelienmythologie in der finnlandschwedischen Literatur. Essay by Agneta Rahikainen. Translated from Swedish by Karl-Ludwig Wetzig.

Von Isländern, Eisbären und Königen. Essay by Gert Kreutzer.


In autumn some of the texts will be recorded as audio files as well.

Good reading otherwise!
With best wishes
chief editor
Klaus-Jürgen Liedtke