News by 15th Dec, 2024
During this year we have included the following texts in our library:
Gunnar Ekelöf, En vallfart – 1938. Finnish translation by Caj Westerberg
Alexander Bestuzhev, Poezdka v Revel. Estonian translation by Voldemar Miller
August Thieme, Finnland (1808). Finnish translation by Teivas Oksala, English translation by Ritchie Robertson, Swedish translation by Lars and Mats Huldén, Russian translation by Mikhail Kostolomov
Anna Rydstedt, Hästen. Finnish translation by Christian Råbergh
Johann Gotfried Seume, Mein Sommer 1805. German original and Finnish translation by Suvi Valli
Ulrich Freiherr von Schlippenbach, Malerische Wanderungen durch Kurland. German original and Latvian trasnslation by Agris Dzenis
Manfred Peter Hein, Die Vertriebenen. Icelandic translation by Gauti Kristmannsson and Polish translation by Przemysław Chojnowski
Manfred Peter Hein, Ozersk. Icelandic translation by Gauti Kristmannsson and Polish translation by Przemysław Chojnowski
Matthias Alexander Castrén, Reseminnen (Resa till Lappland år 1838). Finnish translation by Aulis J. Joki and new Russian translation by Julia Kolesova
Hermann Sudermann, Das Bilderbuch meiner Jugend. Lithuanian translation by Jūratė Gusevienė
A new audio file:
Jan Erik Vold reading Tomas Tranströmer, Östersjöar in Norwegian. Recording by Susanne Skog, EMS Stockholm
And we have included new essays by:
Max Egremont, East Prussia's Whispering Past (from: Forgotten land)
Cornelia Jentzsch, Diese unerklärliche Stille. Jon Fosses Dichtung
Günter Karl Bose, Franz Kafka im Ostseebad Mütitz [1923]
Karl Schlögel, Unser Atlantis, unser Pompeji (to be released next year)
Wishing you all the best for the year to come!
The Baltic Sea Library team
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[Deutsche Skatbank VR-Bank Altenburger Land, Schmölln: BIC GENO DEF1 SLR]