News December 2020
We are finishing off this year – against all odds - with good news: from 1st December 2020 (until the end of November next year) a special programme will be supported by Deutscher Übersetzerfonds with culture historical essays from North Eastern Europe's borderlands and peripheries, to be translated to German and included in our essay section.
Thus we are part of a programme "Neustart Kultur" by the German government to mitigate the consequences of the corona crisis in the cultural field.
During the last half year we have included new biographies (Dahlmann, Hans Henny Jahnn, Andreas Kelletat, Lars Kleberg, Enel Melberg, Adam Olearius, Porthan, Natalya Tolstaya)
as well as new texts on the Baltic Sea Library by:
Nikolay Karamzin, Письма русского путешественника (Letters of a Russian Traveler, including his famous visit to Immanuel Kant in Königsberg) in Russian and German in an old translation by Johann Richter
Tõnu Õnnepalu, Hind (The Price) in Estonian original, Finnish (tr by Juhani Salokannel), German (tr by Horst Bernhardt) and Norwegian (tr by Turid Farbregd)
Strindberg's The People of Hemsö in English, translated by Peter Graves
Astrid Lindgren's Seacrow Island in Russian:
Na ostrove Saltkroka translated by Olga Mäeots
Werner Bergengruen's Report of the Life- and Death Circle of a Famous Man in Estonian:
Aruanne ühe eriskummalise mehe elu- ja surmakäigust translated by Mati Sirkel
Jómsvikinga saga in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish (in older translations)
Tempus adest floridum from Piae Cantiones with an essay by Åke G. Sjöberg, Den blomstertid nu kommer (in Swedish)
as well as two essays in German by:
Katarina Holländer, Von Vilnius nach Kaunas. Begegnungen in einer Zwischenzeit
Daniel Zwick, Auf den Spuren des ältesten See-Itinerars der Ostsee: eine archäologische Zeitreise
New audios include Clas Zilliacus reading Edith Södergran and Henry Parland (in Swedish)
And if you want to hear Latvian please listen to Tomas Tranströmer's Baltijas jūra read by Baiba Broka!
Last July Juris Kronbergs, one of our important contributors, died. We will remember him especially for his translations from Latvian to Swedish.
Good reading otherwise! And a Happy New Year,
With best wishes
chief editor
Klaus-Jürgen Liedtke
PS. The first article about us has been written for German Wikipedia:
and we would be grateful if articles in other languages could follow.