Kostolomov, Mikhail

Kostolomov, Mikhail Image 1

© Andrey Kolomoysky.
Mikhail Kostolomov, born in 1953, died in 2016. He studied biology at the University of Leningrad and worked as a research assistant at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. For over 20 years, he researched the history and culture of the city of Wyborg and the Karelian Isthmus.

Since 2011 he has been a lecturer at the library of the Wyborg district of the Leningrad region. He has also worked as a cultural consultant for Russian holiday facilities in Finland.

In 2011, he translated Ludwig Heinrich Nikolay's poem ‘Das Landgut Monrepos in Finnland" (The Monrepos Estate in Finland, 1804) into Russian.