Schønberg Sørensen, Søren
Born in Thisted in 1937. Died on 23 October, 2018.
1960-85 teacher, head master, chief of section in ministry of education, since 1985 free writer of faction (Nordic and Baltic history), fiction, poetry and translations mostly of poetry (Bellman, Petrarch, Jónas Hallgrimsson). Danish faction prize, Swedish and Finnish knighthood (for literary activity). President of the Conference of Literary Societies in Denmark.
TextDanish Literature and The Baltic (Essay)Anne fra Tharau (Translation of "Anke van Tharaw" from German)
Barndom (Translation of "Kindheit" from German)
Landsbyen Tolmingkehmen (Translation of "Das Dorf Tolmingkehmen" from German)
Rapport (Translation of "Bericht" from German)
Til Ulla Winblad (Translation of "An Ulla Winblad" from German)Kalevala (Translation from Finnish) -