Trillmich, Werner
Werner Trillmich was a German historian who was born in Görlitz in 1914 and died in 1985. He achieved particular recognition for his new translation of Thietmar von Merseburg from Latin.
Trillmich studied in Leipzig, Freiburg and Breslau, where he wrote his doctoral thesis in 1938. After returning from internment as a prisoner of war, he first worked in Hamburg and, from 1952 onwards, as an editor for the "Westermann Großer Atlas zur Weltgeschichte".
In 1954 he began working as a university lecturer and in 1970 he was appointed Professor of History and Didactics at the Pedagogical University in Alfeld.
TextBischofsgeschichte der Hamburger Kirche (Translation of "Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae Pontificum" from Latin)Leben Ansgars (Translation of "Vita Anskarii" from Latin)