Zeeberg, Peter
Peter Zeeberg was born in 1957. He took a degree in Latin at the University of Copenhagen, where he also completed his Ph.D. in 1992. Since 1987 he has participated in a range of projects at the University of Copenhagen and the Society for Danish Language and Literature (DSL). He is a specialist in sixteenth-century Danish and Northern German Latin literature (Tycho Brahe, Erasmus Laetus and Henrik Rantzau). His publications include Erasmus Laetus' Treatise on Christian IV's birth and baptism (together with Karen Skovgaard-Petersen, 1992), Tycho Brahe's "Urania Titani" a poem about Sophie Brahe (1994), and Heinrich Rantzau - A Bibliography (2004). He has also translated Saxo's History of Denmark from Latin to Danish for the Society of Danish Language and Literature (2000).
Zeeberg is a board member of the Forum for Renaissance Studies (University of Copenhagen) and the Philological-Historical Society. He is participating in the project "Portræt og iscenesættelse i nordisk renæssance" and co-editor of the Database of Nordic Neo-Latin Literature.
TextDanmarkshistorien (Translation of "Gesta Danorum" from Latin)