Шведская музыка
К. Х.
Когда снег заметает море и скрип сосны
© The Estate of Joseph Brodsky / Wylie Agency London
Schwedische Musik
Translated by Felix Philipp Ingold
für K. Ch.
Wenn Schnee das Meer fegt [...]
Svensk musik
Translated by Bengt Jangfeldt
Till C. H.
När snön sopar igen havet och knaket från en tall
lämnar djupare spår i luften än slädens medar,
hur blått kan ett öga då bli? Hur kall
kan en röst då bli som är oengagerad?
Världen utanför försvinner och är spårlöst borta,
gör det bleka ansiktet till sin gisslan.
Så fosforescerar en mollusk på havets botten,
så förvandlas ljudets hela hastighet till tystnad,
så är en tändsticka nog för att få
eld i en spis, så fortsätter uret, som slagen
hos hjärtat, sedan det stannat här, att gå
på den andra sidan av havet.
© The Estate of Joseph Brodsky / Wylie Agency London
Country in which the text is setSweden
Featured locationsSweden
ImpactThe poem is connected with Brodsky’s first visit to Sweden in 1975. The title “Swedish music” might be inspired by a line in a poem by S. Krasovitsky published in Samizdat in the 1970s.Brodsky’s aesthetical views were formed in Leningrad in the 1940s and 1950s. Neoclassical architecture, which was badly damaged by bombs during the 900-days siege of Leningrad during the WW II, infinite perspectives of the city’s suburbs, the multiplication of reflections on the water – those are the motives immanently present in his poetry and interwoven by impressions of his childhood and youth.
BalticnessIt is a short piece referring to Brodsky’s first visit to Sweden and experience of being for the first time after his emigration on the shore “of the same sea” (the Baltic sea with Leningrad left forever being on the other side of the sea). The painfulness of the feeling is almost physical as Brodsky describes how the clock on the wall repeats the heart beat, which stops on this side of the sea, and goes on on the other side.
Polina Lisovskaya
Bibliographic information
Journal “Continent” (Континент) no. 18, 1978
Published without dedication
Language Year Translator English German 1994 Felix Philipp Ingold Swedish 1989 Bengt Jangfeldt -
Year of first publication1975
Place of first publicationNew York