Andersen Nexø's House , Ferskesøstræde 36, DK-3730 Nexø, 40 km east of Rønne
Nexø Museum, Havnen, DK-3730 Nexø

Martin Andersen Nexø (1869-1954) was born in the slums of Copenhagen into extreme poverty. He was the fourth of eleven children. His father, a stone mason, was an alcoholic and his mother, Mathilda Mainz, was a daughter of a German blacksmith. When he was eight, the family moved to the town of Nexø on the island of Bornholm, whose name he adopted in 1894 as his own. With the help of a patron he was able to go to school. In his youth he worked as a farmhand, shepherd, shoemaker's apprentice, and mason's assistant on the island of Bornholm. Between the years 1894 and 1896 he travelled in Spain and Italy and became a socialist.

In his Bornholmer noveller (Bornholm tales, 1913) and the novel Pelle Erobreren (Pelle the Conqueror, 1906-10), it is the childhood memories from Bornholm in connection with the rise of the proletarian hero that make it still interesting today. His works have been translated into 29 languages, and after the Oscar for the film based on Pelle Erobreren in 1988 there is a renewed interest in his works. Danish literary historian Søren Sørensen wrote: “Pelle is from Bornholm, there is no doubt about it. Figures need a place where they belong, otherwise they seldom win importance for a whole world”. Since 1990 through a private initiative there is a memorial collection in the house he lived in as a child in the town of Nexö reminding of the author. To compare with a look at the municipal Museum for Local History, Seafaring and Fishing is recommended.